Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What do I do with these expired vitamins?

Quite frankly, I haven't ever worried too much about vitamins (or medicines) going bad myself. I know that all manufacturers build in a buffer zone with expiration dates. That means that their vitamins must pass all stability and analytical tests at least to the end of their life cycle, if not well beyond. So if a vitamin passes all of it's efficacy testing on the day it expires, how can it be bad the next day? It takes quite a while for them to degrade. Therefore, I believe that they just lose effectiveness and aren't really dangerous. With that said, I am not telling anyone what to do with their expired vitamins and medicines, I am not a M.D. So if you decide to get rid of them, they should be flushed down a toilet. That is the safest way to dispose of pills, so that an animal or child doesn't find them in the trash. The following information was from: the website:

{Vitamins gradually lose potency as the pills become exposed to sunlight, oxygen and moisture. While they may not become toxic or harmful, expired vitamins may not provide the results you want. Vitamin manufacturers set expiration dates by performing stability tests. These tests show how much the product will degrade over time. Vitamin manufacturers then add enough of the raw nutrient to compensate for any lost potency. Furthermore, certain vitamin formulations contain fillers and stabilizers that have a recommended shelf life.}

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