Saturday, March 13, 2010

How clean are dog's mouths?

For years my husband has been saying, "a dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's". Well of course I was sure this was crap and an urban legend. So at game night last night, this was brought up again after we told the story of my 80 pound black lab eating the 2.5 pound homemade meatloaf I had prepared, plus 5 oven roasted potatoes the night before. (And yes, I mean whole potatoes!) My husband admitted to eating what was left, YUCK!
So the question is fact or fiction?: Fiction-DUH? There is the reason I called it Dianaisalwaysright!

"{If a dog's mouth is sterile how could it transmit rabies, tetanus, pasteurella or any other types of infections associated with dog bites. As we all know, dogs aren't particularly fussy about where they put their tongues or what goes into their mouth. "A dog's mouth contains a lot of bacteria," confirms Dr. Gary "Ask the Vet" Clemons. "Remember a dog's tongue is not only his wash cloth, but his toilet paper," says Dr. Gary.}"
For the rest of the history from where this urban legend came, go to


  1. I'm a believer. You had me at "toilet paper." This is going to be a great blog site, and now I'm going to find even more questions to fire at you! Can you find out how serious the expiration dates are on meat sold at the grocery store -- sell by, eat by, die by... which is it? I am very very very afraid of expiration dates.

  2. Also, expirations on vitamins? I mean do they hurt you if they are past date or do they just lose effectiveness? If they lose effectiveness -is it a gradual process? Can they make you sick?

    Great idea Diana!! I always have tons of questions!

  3. Yeah Diana! As far as expiration dates, saw something on the Yahoo homepage. Since it is Diana's always right, I'll leave it to you to dig for it again.

  4. Okay Diana, thought of another one. Cell phones and brain cancer? I had a woman at the Expo last week telling me that there is evidence of a definate link at that every other country (India, Europe, Canada) is regulating tower placement. She claimed the cell phone manufacturers know about this and are playing it down. She compared them to tobacco companies.

    My research (quick and surface) says there COULD be--many long term studies are still out and there is an interesting one from another coutry (can't remember which one--I don't have your memory:)where they have been using cell phones a lot longer and they are linking them to cancer but--

    what does the Scientist say? Especially where kids are concerned. Our kids will have cell phones for a lot longer than any of us--do you think it is totally safe? Thanks in advance. I love this site already!
